Equity research reports provide an analysts perspective on the economy , sector
or stock. Theese reports are a wealth of information and much sought after by
investors ( HNI and institutional). These reports how suffer from two challenges
1. They consist of reams and reams of information tightly packed with
charts/graphs. They minimum run into double digit pages
2. Due to their
popularity and as a source of marketing; everyone seems to be generating tonnes
of research reports - retail brokers, institutional brokers, wealth management
firms, AMCs etc etc As a result there is little differentiation in terms of how
these reports are presented
Ambit Asset Management decided to do things differently.
The Brief
Ambit Asset Management runs various PMS & AIF portfolios targeted to HNIs. As part of
the marketing , they decided to create research reports of the various stocks .
The Marketing Solution
Rather than present these stock reports as individual reports; we decided to
present them as a universe of stocks . After all Ambit Asset Management was a
portfolio of stoks; then why not a portfolio of stock reports.
The name arrived
at for this portfolio came from an amalgamation of the fact that these were a
universe of 'hero' stocks in the Ambit Asset Management portfolio : AMBIT HEROVERSE
The creative idea was to treat each stck as 'superhero'. Taking cues from
superhero comics; the stock was presented as one. The superhero images were AI
generated for uniqueness, scability and cost optimisation
Rather than a boring
pdf; a flipbook in comic format was created laying out all the information in a
unique and easy to read format Have a look at the flip book
Learning from consumer marketing, the Ambit Heroverse approach to equity
research reports presents a new way of marketing of institutional research