Recently SEBI has come out with a notification asking AMCs to rationalise the number of mutual fund schemes they have under limited heads.
At Motilal Oswal AMC, we have a focused approach to investing. As has been highlighted in my previous post on the 'THINK EQUITY THINK MOTILAL OSWAL' campaign. (Read about it Here)
The recently ruling provided us with a topical opportunity to re-iterate our focused approach.
After all, we only have 5 high quality, concentrated mutual funds to choose from.
Based on the premise that sometimes too much choice can be confusing and intimidating; the campaign aims to highlight why when it comes to investing; 'Less Is More'
At Motilal Oswal AMC, we have a focused approach to investing. As has been highlighted in my previous post on the 'THINK EQUITY THINK MOTILAL OSWAL' campaign. (Read about it Here)
The recently ruling provided us with a topical opportunity to re-iterate our focused approach.
After all, we only have 5 high quality, concentrated mutual funds to choose from.
Based on the premise that sometimes too much choice can be confusing and intimidating; the campaign aims to highlight why when it comes to investing; 'Less Is More'
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